Olympos fm

Looking forward to seeing you in Olympos

Rock climbing, hiking, freediving - it's going to be a new adventure!

The new season is like a business list for new things, ideas and travel. I can’t wait to get back to the routes that weren’t sent and the new ones that were bolted in the winter. …

Festival 2023

Main climbing event on 28-29 October in Olympos this year has competition in new crag

This weekend in Olympos there will be a fan-fest on the new sector of Beycik. The winners can stay at Kadirs Tree House for one\two nights. On the second day, participants are invited to DWS. <b>Schedule:</b> …

Deep Water Duo

Exploring some new routes on the coast.

All summer we do DWS in Olympos and in Adrasan. If you climb 6a and higher, if water is your element - join us on the boat.

Best team - girl team

Had good vibes on the Vadi

Girls hit the road and came to Olympos to explore new routes. The Vadi crag is not huge, but it fits all our needs and grades. Swimming after all made this day even better.

Last season

Thousands of people visited Olympos last year

We warmly welcomed not only climbers. We met many people from all world that had gotten familiar with sport climbing here in Olympos. We wish to see many of our customers again. Furthermore, we hope they …

OLYMPOS Rock Climbing Festival

Main event of the year

The twentieth time Olympos celebrates the beginning of the season and invites everyone to take part. 3 days of climbing, yoga, slacklining and highlining, morning yoga, market, presentations and more are waiting for you. Registration, parties …


In Turkish, this means "sin"

When we met, he said that he climb up to 6c. The next day, I found him working on not soft 7a. Committing sin (Gunah). Good luck, Julio and Olivia on your climbing trip.

Flying start

How easy it is for you to manage your first routes

Never know which grade you can do on your first routes. Jasmine has a sport background, and she was able to send her first 5c on the start. She quickly grasped the main idea of climbing …

Treasure trove of climbing knowledge

Dershane. Intensive course for those who want everything at once

How many people who do not know anything about rock climbing have come here and come out as newcomers who are eager to engage in rock climbing. The team had an intensive course yesterday. They went …

Dershane family climbing

Easy routes were too easy, but we found something to fight

They spent the whole day in the Dershane crag. The young family recently started to climb, but after having a base in the gym, they felt quite confident on the rocks. So we warmed up on …

Chirali session

One winter climbing day

Looks like Germans and Russians don't think that winter in Turkey is real. And I totally agree. At the start of February, we caught an excellent sunny day that we spent on Chirali crag. Artem, Jana …

We started develop web site

It's cool to be online

The website will collect all actual information about Olympos life and the crags. We don`t show here routes, you can find it in guidebook, by buying the guide you support climbing in Turkey. If you have …